I once had a business associate compliment me for being a self-made man. He knew I didn’t grow up with much money or a rich uncle to bequeath me a fortune, so he assumed that my accomplishments were something I did through hard work and determination.
I did work hard and I believed in myself – something my mom stressed – but I knew hard work and self-confidence weren’t enough.
Before she taught me to believe in myself, Mom taught me to believe in God. I know without a shadow of doubt He helped me each step of the journey. When I stayed close to God, good things happened.
I also knew I couldn’t have achieved any measure of success without the help of others.
So my response to him after he gave me the compliment was simple: “There is no such thing as a self-made man. We win with the help of God and others.”
Let me ask you a couple of personal questions.
- Do you recognize the need for God’s guidance and blessing in your life? Do you draw near to Him in faith?
- Do you recognize the need for the help of others in your life? Do you attract and welcome others into your life?
Why not chew on those questions a bit today. Say a prayer of commitment to God and ask Him to guide your steps. Remember the wise words of Solomon: “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” (Proverbs 16:9, NLT).
Then make sure your eyes are open to others. If no one is reaching out to you is it because you’ve closed the door to them? Smile. Ask others how they are doing. Give a sincere compliment. Tell a joke and smile some more. Don’t do these things just to get something but because you care. When you care for others they will care for you and that might be just what you need at this stage in your life.
Remember: the more people you have lifting you up, the higher you will go!
Believe in yourself. Work hard. But never forget you will win with others.