Fear is a powerful force that keeps far too many people from accepting new challenges, accomplishing their goals, and arriving at their destiny in life. I have seen opportunity pass right by people because they were afraid to act. Some people live in so much fear that it robs them of happiness and even health.
Fear is not all bad, of course. It is healthy, natural, and smart to be afraid of some things. Being afraid of getting a ticket – or even worse, an accident – slows most of us down when driving on the highway. Notice I said most of us.
There is a fear that is healthy, which leads us to consider opportunities and actions from a couple different angles to make the best possible choice and lessen negative risks. But too many people live in a constant state of unhealthy fear of things that may or may not happen and things they have no control over anyway. Sadly they miss out on the joys and blessings that come from living life in full.
If you want to overcome fears that are holding you back from the life that God wants for you, you have to start with faith. Faith is believing in yourself; you do have the ability to handle and work through challenges, problems, and setbacks. More importantly, faith is believing in God; He loves you and has great plans for your life to make a positive difference in the world.
King David says, “I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). David didn’t say some of my fears or many of my fears were delivered – but all of my fears were overcome.
Those are great words to inspire us to face our fears head on, knowing we have help from God to achieve our goals and arrive at our destiny.