Category: Inspiration

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Prayer isn’t something I do to change God. Prayer is something God uses to change me. That’s why prayer so powerful. Prayer connects me to the ultimate source of power in all the universe—God himself. Now it’s no longer me facing the world with my gifts and insights alone. I face the world with the Giver...

We Win With the Help of Others

We Win With the Help of Others

I once had a business associate compliment me for being a self-made man. He knew I didn’t grow up with much money or a rich uncle to bequeath me a fortune, so he assumed that my accomplishments were something I did through hard work and determination. I did work hard and I believed in myself...


The Power of Giving

John Wesley hit the nail on the head when he said: “Gain all you can; save all you can; give all you can.” There is so much to think about in that simple outline. Gain all you can. Do your best to succeed in life. Don’t be content to settle for mediocrity. It’s not just okay,...


Start Where You Are

I’ve had a lot of people ask me how I did so well in building a number of businesses. They want to know the secret of my success. That kind of question always makes me feel good because it tells me I have something to offer others. I love being an encourager. I love to talk...


The Power of Faith

I believe without a shadow of a doubt in the incredible power of faith to change my life. How? Because I know firsthand that faith has the power to change me. Everything positive that has happened in my life is because of my faith in God, faith in others, and faith in myself. That’s not...


Overcoming Fear

Fear is a powerful force that keeps far too many people from accepting new challenges, accomplishing their goals, and arriving at their destiny in life. I have seen opportunity pass right by people because they were afraid to act. Some people live in so much fear that it robs them of happiness and even health. Fear...


What Makes You Special

What makes you special? Since the beginning of time billions of people have walked the face of the earth. Not a single one of them was, is or will ever be just like you. Through the miracle of creation by the Creator God, you are one-of-a-kind. As humans our genetics are similar, but each of...


Beating the Odds!

When I was competing to bring an NBA franchise to Charlotte, North Carolina, no one gave our group a chance of succeeding. Every newspaper put our odds as dead last on the list of eleven cities vying for a team. The story of how we won the bid is too long to share here. But I want...