I got to spend my brother’s last day on this earth with him this week. Romans 8:28 has been my verse this year. It’s strong and true meaning has done more for me than I can begin to explain. I love God, so I know that He works all for my good. Late yesterday, we said “See you again” to my older brother-Bobby Shinn. The Lord allowed me to make it to see him while he was still with us, I’m truly thankful for that. I’m thinking God had a specific purpose for choosing Christmas time to take him. It is the time of year we think more about God sending His Son and offering the free “GIFT” of salvation to everyone. Since I’ve been with some of my family here in Texas and since Bobby has gone on to Heaven, I’ve come to realize even more what a legacy he left to everyone. It’s like his “GIFT” to this younger brother of his. This family couldn’t be any closer to one another. The love is truly evident here. It has done me a world of good to be here with them at this time and witness this genuine love and care that this family shares. Too many times we put emphasis on things that don’t matter in the long run-material things, possessions. It isn’t what’s parked in the driveway, but what’s inside that home! It’s not the size of their home, but the amount of love in their hearts. What’s the value of REAL LOVE? There’s not a price tag on it, you can’t buy it no matter how hard you try. Love is when people don’t give up, don’t tear down, don’t take for granted, don’t neglect, don’t pass up an opportunity to show love. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard my sweet sister-in-law tell her husband, “I love you!” When I was in town for their 60th anniversary party and sitting beside him as he was in his handicap scooter, she came over and told him continually. He served our country in the United States Air Force for a quarter of a century. He earned the rank “Senior Master Sergeant” and was one of the most patriotic people I ever knew. I’m so proud of him! He left this earth a well-loved man. And his GIFT to me, even after he is gone, I accept and appreciate. I will spend the rest of my days loving more, caring more, giving God more of me. I will not give up on those who are close to me, no matter what. I have two great sons and a sweet daughter who have a Dad that love them more than they know, and much more than I say it to them. May we make each day count, however many days we have left. I challenge everyone to do this as well. Start at CHRISTmas, it’s an easier time to show love generally. But keep it up throughout the year. The love between my brother and his family took a lifetime of work, tears, and faith! Thank you, Lord for allowing ME to have such a great brother with a strong name and great memories-pictures lining their home with sweet times. God is love, His ways are perfect.
Bobby Lee Shinn